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The Breakfast League Constitution

Ratified on January 11th, 2025


Article I - Definitions


  1. “The Breakfast League” will be used to denote, collectively, one redraft league and one dynasty league, along with the governance structure, the members, and the assets therein.

  2. “RBL,” “Redraft” or the “Redraft Breakfast League” shall refer to the traditional league, where a new team is drafted each year.

  3. “DBL,” “Dynasty” or the “Dynasty Breakfast League” shall refer to the new additional league, where owners retain their entire team and a rookie draft takes place every year.

  4. The term “Majority” herein shall be construed to mean the following:

    1. All votes of either “Yes” or “No” are totaled.

    2. A “Majority” equals any amount more than half of that total.

  5. The term “Supermajority” herein shall be construed to mean the following:

    1. All votes of either “Yes” or “No” are totaled.

    2. A “Supermajority” equals at least two thirds of that total.

  6. The term “Plurality” herein shall be construed to mean more votes than any other option.

  7. The term “Quorum” herein shall be construed to mean that a majority of eligible members voted on the individual proposal.

  8. “The Commissioners” shall refer to the Administrative Commissioner and both League Commissioners.

  9. “The Rules Committee” shall refer to every eligible member.

    1. The term “Eligible” herein shall be construed to mean a league team owner who has been approved for membership by a vote of their respective league.


Article II - Structure and General Provisions


  1. Founder and Commissioner Emeritus Kenneth Pancake shall serve as Parliamentarian. This accords no special power to Kenneth; this is merely to denote that he can assist to interpret this long and boring document.

  2. Constitutional changes must be approved by a supermajority of the Breakfast League. A change is ‘Constitutional’ if the change would require an edit or addition to this document.

  3. Settings changes (considered any change that is not a constitutional change) shall be made at the discretion of the Commissioner of each individual league.

    1. Votes of each league’s membership for these changes are not required, but they are recommended. As they are only recommended, these are left solely to the purview of each League’s commissioner.

  4. No changes in the Constitution or Settings may be put into effect after the Holiest of Days, DRAFT DAY, until the conclusion of both leagues’ seasons. Such changes will only apply to future seasons.

  5. If, for any reason, the NFL football season shall be altered; and, if that alteration eliminates a week or more of Breakfast League regular season competition, all dues shall be refunded for that season - regardless of playoff competition or lack thereof. Should this occur in only one of two leagues, dues shall be refunded for that league only. However, if that alteration only eliminates a week or more of post-season competition, the regular season’s final standings shall be taken as the season’s final standings, and dues will be awarded respectively.

  6. The Holiest of Days, DRAFT DAY, shall always be held on Labor Day.

    1. However, the day shall never be held on September 7th. If Labor Day falls on September 7th, the Administrative Commissioner (with the advice of the League Commissioners) shall set a date for the day.

    2. The start of each league’s draft must be at least 24 hours before the kickoff of the first game of the season.

    3. The initial DBL start-up draft is exempt from this requirement; however, the initial DBL rookie draft (which is a separate event) IS subject to this requirement. The League Commissioner of the DBL will have the duty of scheduling the start-up draft for any time prior to Labor Day, 2025.

  7. The Breakfast League will hold a Rules Committee meeting annually in between the conclusion of both leagues’ seasons and the Super Bowl.

    1. The date will be chosen by the Administrative Commissioner, with the advice of the Rules Committee.

    2. Attendance is not mandatory, but encouraged.

  8. Dues shall be as prescribed:

    1. For the Redraft league, $30 per team annually, with proceeds split between the top four finishers in this proportion: 6/12, 3/12, 2/12, 1/12.

    2. For the Dynasty league, $20 per team annually, with proceeds split between the top three finishers in this proportion: 8/12, 3/12, 1/12.

  9. Members are welcome to leave at any time; however, members forfeit any dues already paid.


Article III - Executive Power (The Commissioners Independently)


  1. The Executive power of the Breakfast League will be vested in the Administrative Commissioner and the two League Commissioners.

    1. Elections, Qualifications, and Vacancies

      1. The Administrative Commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year at the annual Rules Committee meeting by a majority of eligible members of the Breakfast League.

        1. Should there be a tie, the vote of the member whose team finished highest in the previous season’s Redraft League standings shall be the tiebreaker.

      2. Each League Commissioner shall be elected for a term of one year at the annual Rules Committee meeting by a majority of eligible members of the league in question.

      3. Any eligible member is eligible to run for Administrative Commissioner or League Commissioner.

        1. The Administrative Commissioner must be an owner in both leagues. Election of a member who is not an owner in one league constitutes immediate approval and addition of that owner into the second league.

        2. The league facing this addition shall have the ability to vote by majority to make accommodations if necessary.

      4. No one person may hold multiple executive roles in the same season, with the exception of fallout from an impeachment.

      5. Shall a vacancy occur among the Commissioners:

        1. If it is the Administrative Commissioner, the League Commissioner of the Redraft League shall serve the remainder of his or her term in both roles.

        2. If it is a League Commissioner, the Administrative Commissioner shall serve the remainder or his or her term in both roles.

    2. The Administrative Commissioner​

      1. The Administrative Commissioner shall have administrative access to both leagues, for supervisory and emergency purposes only.

      2. The Administrative Commissioner’s duties are as follows:

        1. Choose the date of, and preside over, the annual Rules Committee meeting.

        2. Fill vacancies occurring between The Holiest of Days, DRAFT DAY, and the conclusion of a respective league’s season.

        3. Propose new members for inclusion into either league, to be approved by a majority vote of the Rules Committee at the annual meeting.

          1. This power is limited by the rules governing initial formation of the Dynasty League, which are delineated in Article VI.

        4. Propose three candidates every year for inclusion into the Hall of Fame and, separately, the Hall of Shame, from whom the winner of a plurality of votes in each list wins entry into the respective Hall.

        5. Initiate a vote, at any time, for removal of a team owner in either league.

          1. Such a vote must be approved in the following manner to pass:

            1. A supermajority of the Rules Committee; and,

            2. A supermajority separately of the league the owner is a part of.

          2. If a vote is initiated, these procedures must be followed for any approval to be effective:

          3. The Administrative Commissioner must personally notify the team owner that he or she is subject to a removal vote, and give a good faith explanation why the action has been proposed.

          4. The Administrative Commissioner must notify each league member individually that a removal vote has been proposed, and give a good faith explanation why the action has been proposed.

          5. The removal vote must take place no earlier than seven days after steps 1 and 2 have been executed. This restriction may be waived by agreement of the Administrative Commissioner and the owner subject to the vote.

          6. The vote will be conducted by secret ballot, overseen by the Commissioners. Should a League Commissioner be subject to such a vote, the vote will be overseen by the remaining two Commissioners.

        6. If desired, appoint members to serve as Treasurer and Clerk.

          1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for dues collection and distribution.

          2. The Clerk shall be responsible for the website, including insertion of any Constitutional changes.

          3. The Administrative Commissioner shall serve these roles if not delegated to another member.

    3. The League Commissioners​

      1. Each League Commissioner shall have administrative access to their respective league.

      2. The League Commissioner for the Redraft league shall announce the draft order of the owners by randomization at least three weeks prior to the Holiest of Days, DRAFT DAY.


Article IV - Judicial Power (The Commissioners Collectively)


  1. The Judicial power of the Breakfast League will be vested together in the Administrative Commissioner and the League Commissioners of both individual leagues.

    1. In any dispute, the Commissioners may deliberate and provide any equitable or compensatory relief as they may deem appropriate.

    2. Any dispute, regardless of nature or league, is subject to the entire panel of Commissioners.

    3. The Commissioners must follow this Constitution as the law of the League.

    4. Should any judicial dispute involve one of the Commissioners, the remaining Commissioners may jointly appoint an eligible member to serve temporarily in that role to the extent necessary to settle the dispute.


Article V - Legislative Power (The Rules Committee)


  1. The Legislative power of the Breakfast League will be vested in the Rules Committee.

  2. All votes of the Rules Committee, or of each individual league, must be posted in the Facebook group page in the form of a poll for 48 hours before it is closed and tallied.

  3. All votes of either the Rules Committee or each individual league shall be administered by Facebook poll.

  4. A quorum is required for all votes to be effective, with the exception of Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame votes.

  5. The Rules Committee shall have the power of impeachment over the Commissioners.

    1. Impeachment must be formally declared on the Breakfast League Facebook page.

    2. Any eligible member may move for impeachment once a term at any time.

    3. The vote requires a supermajority to pass, and is subject to all other vote restrictions.

    4. A Commissioner is relegated to mere ownership upon a successful impeachment.

    5. Should two impeachments take place in one term, an immediate re-election of all Commissioners is triggered. Winners of such elections will serve the remainder of the term.


Article VI - Rules Committee Meeting Process


  1. First, the Commissioners’ terms expire at the beginning of the meeting. Founder Kenneth Pancake (or the next most senior member) shall preside until a new Administrative Commissioner is elected.

  2. The first vote is for full eligible membership for any mid-season appointees present from the past season in either league. This is done so that these members may participate in the Commissioner elections.

  3. Next, the Committee - and then each league individually - must elect the Administrative Commissioner as prescribed.

    1. Because of voting time requirements, the term begins when the vote closes as provided for above.

  4. Finally, in any order, any Constitutional amendments may be proposed and voted on.

    1. Any motion proposed and seconded must receive a vote.

    2. No motion may be reconsidered until the next Rules Committee meeting.

    3. These votes must follow all voting rules provided for.

  5. After the meeting, and when the Administrative Commissioner election has been finalized, the Administrative Commissioner shall propose new members for any empty spots in each league. This vote must follow all voting rules provided for.

  6. Once all remaining unoccupied spots in each league are filled, the Administrative Commissioner shall preside (via Facebook) over each league’s League Commissioner election. The vote must follow all voting rules provided for.


Article VII - Redraft League (The Redraft Breakfast League / RBL)


  1. The RBL league will be administered by the league’s League Commissioner, who shall have authority over the league settings.

  2. The RBL league shall be comprised of 12 owners, sorted into three divisions of four owners each, to play 17 games in one season.

    1. Six games will be played against division opponents.

    2. The remainder of the regular season will be played against out-of-division opponents.

    3. The membership of each division shall be determined at the discretion of the League Commissioner.

  3. The RBL playoff will consist of six teams.

    1. Three autobids will be given to each division winner.

    2. The three remaining bids will be won on an at-large basis via ESPN settings.

    3. The seeding shall not give any preference to division winners.


Article VIII - Dynasty League (The Dynasty Breakfast League / DBL)


  1. The rules listed below govern the initial formation of the Dynasty League:

    1. The DBL shall consist of 12 teams.

    2. This league will begin from scratch with a start-up dynasty draft. The date of this draft will be determined by the DBL League Commissioner, but it must be held prior to Labor Day, 2025.

      1. Following the start-up dynasty draft, the DBL will host a rookie draft on The Holiest of Days, DRAFT DAY, at a time separate from the RBL’s draft.

    3. Background: This league is loosely based on a predecessor - Pancake’s Butterpats - that currently contains five Breakfast League members, one other active owner related to two current Breakfast League members, and four other owners ranging from active to complacent.

    4. The owners shall, at formation, be determined as prescribed:

      1. First, both any current owner in this league’s predecessor who wishes to join the overall League; AND, any current member of the Breakfast League who wishes to join the DBL may take a spot in the DBL, provided the former owners are considered “active” by the Commissioner of the predecessor league. This does not inherently include membership in the RBL.

      2. Finally, any remaining spots may be filled by the traditional rules offered under the Administrative Commissioner’s power.

      3. Prior to August 1, 2025, all owners in the DBL league shall elect a League Commissioner by the normal process.

    5. At the time of the 2025 DBL start-up draft, members of the league shall be considered full members of the Breakfast League.

  2. The DBL will be administered by the league’s League Commissioner, who shall have authority over the league settings.


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